Responsible for:
- Employment of Foreign Nationals Act (AuslBG)
- General Social Security Act (ASVG)
- Wage and Social Dumping Prevention Act (LSD-BG)
- Unemployment Insurance Act (AlVG)
- Federal Statistics Act (Bundesstatistik-/Handelsstatistikgesetz) Civilian Service Act (ZDG)
- Tyrolean Fire Police Regulations (TFPO)
- Measurement and Calibration Act (MEG) + Prepackaging Ordinance (FPVO)
- Waste Management Act (AWG/ TAWG)
- Employee Protection Act (ASchG)
- Labor Inspection Act (ArbIG)
- Working Hours Act (AZG)
- Work Rest Act (ARG)
- Integration Act (IntG)
- Settlement and Residence Act (NAG)
- Tyrolean Minimum Security Act (TMSG)
- Tyrolean basic provision law (T-GVG)
- Compulsory Schooling Act (SchPflG)
- Forestry Act (ForstG)
- Tyrolean Nature Conservation Act (TNSchG)
- Tyrolean Building Code (TBO)
- Water Rights Act (Wasserrechtsgesetz)
- Tyrolean Regional Planning Act (TROG)
- Trade regulations (GewO) + subsidiary regulations under trade law
- Animal Protection Act (Tierschutzgesetz) + ancillary provisions under animal protection law (tierschutzrechtliche Nebenvorschriften)
- Foodstuffs law (LMSVG) + ancillary provisions under foodstuffs law
- Law on the import of medicinal products (AWEG)
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: