Hilde Zach Composition Scholarships

The city of Innsbruck annually supports the composition of contemporary musical works by Innsbruck composers.

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Endowment: 7,500 & 3,500 euros

  • Composition scholarship: 7,500 euros
  • Composition grant: 3,500 euros

The total funding amount of 11,000 euros is divided into a large scholarship and a scholarship. This division ensures that both works of a larger formal context by experienced composers and compositions by young talents are supported.

What is supported?

To promote contemporary music, the City of Innsbruck supports the composition of contemporary music works by Innsbruck composers. The aim is to permanently and sustainably promote the development of contemporary music in Innsbruck. in 2013, the composition scholarships were renamed Hilde Zach Composition Scholarships in recognition and memory of Innsbruck's former mayor.

Who awards the scholarship?

City of Innsbruck

How do I apply?

You can submit your documents via the platform: kultur-innsbruck.vemap.com.

The submission deadline was from November 4, 2024 to February 24, 2025.

You can find step-by-step instructions for submitting here.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to artists who

  • born in Tyrol or
  • live in Innsbruck or
  • are permanently and creatively active in Innsbruck and
  • are at least 18 years old.

The following also applies to the scholarship:

  • The applicant must not be over 35 years of age.

Persons who have a close relationship with the institution appointed to the jury in the respective year due to their professional activity are not entitled to submit entries.

What can be submitted?


Which documents are required?

The following documents in German and in pdf format are required for submission to kultur-innsbruck.vemap.com:

  • Scan of the birth certificate or
  • Scan of the current registration form from the year of submission if you were not born in Tyrol
  • current work portfolio with the following content:
    • Short curriculum vitae of the applicant (max. 1/2 page)
    • Short description of the compositional work
    • 2 to a maximum of 3 sound recordings (optional)
  • Data sheet: name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, privacy policy.

Who decides on the award?

The two sponsored composition commissions are selected by an independent jury of experts invited by the Cultural Office of the City of Innsbruck. The jury for the main and sponsorship grants consists of drei persons from the fields of composition, musicology or a local music institution or organization.

The composition of the jury changes annually, although one jury member may remain on the jury for a maximum of one further year. The composition of the jury is as follows:

In the case of the main scholarship and the sponsorship scholarship, one jury member each is appointed from the local music institution or organization that would be prepared in principle to determine the type, scope and instrumentation of the composition together with the scholarship holder if the scholarship were awarded, to commission a composition and to premiere the work.

Jury 2025

Main scholarship: Tyrolean Ensemble for New Music

Scholarship: St. Blasius Academy

Previous scholarship holders

Hilde Zach Composition Scholarships 2024

The prizewinners Josef Haller (l.) and Gabriel Bramböck (r.) with the Ebert organ, the oldest organ in Austria (1558), in Innsbruck's Hofkirche. They received the Hilde-Zach Composition Scholarship 2024.© Stadt Innsbruck/AS

YearComposition ScholarshipScholarship
2024Josef HallerGabriel Bramböck
2023Manuel ZwergerIvana Radovanović
2022not assignednot assigned
2021Elias PraxmarerEgid Jöchl
2020Wolfgang MittererJosef Schiechtl
2019Thomas AmannAntonia Manhartsberger
2018Elisabeth SchimanaManuel Zwerger
2017Bernhard GanderAndreas Trenkwalder
2016Michael F. P. HuberJosef Haller
2015Christof DienzJulia Maier
2014Daniel Oliver MoserManuel Delago
2013Wolfgang MittererHannes Kerschbaumer
2012Johannes SiglKatharina Blassnigg
2011Gunter SchneiderMarco Döttlinger

Until 2010, the funding pot was divided into two equal scholarships:

YearComposition scholarship 1Composition scholarship 2
2010Ralph SchuttiChristian Reimeir
2009Franz BaurFranz Schreyer
2008Manuela KererNorbert Zehm
2007Thomas AmannJudith Unterpertinger