Street art scholarship

The city of Innsbruck makes urban art in public spaces more visible with the street art grant.

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Endowment: 7,000 euros

What is sponsored?

Every two years, the city of Innsbruck sponsors a "mural" to make urban art visible in public spaces.

Who awards the prize?

City of Innsbruck

How do I apply?

You can submit your documents via the platform

The submission deadline was from March 18 to May 27, 2024.

Who can apply?

Eligible to apply are artists who at the time of submission

  • have the citizenship of a member state of the European Union, the United Kingdom of Great Britain or Switzerland or are resident in one of these countries and
  • have reached the age of 18.

Members of the jury for the Street Art Scholarship of the City of Innsbruck are excluded from applying for the scholarship for the duration of their work for the City of Innsbruck.

What documents do I need?

The following documents in PDF format in German or English are mandatory for submission via the platform

  • Birth certificate (scan)
  • current registration form if the applicant is not a citizen of one of the above-mentioned countries
  • Data sheet with the following content:
    • Personal data
    • List of artistic activities
  • Current portfolio of works (max. 20 A4 pages) with the following content:
    • Short curriculum vitae of the applicant
    • Brief description of the current works or artistic work
    • Photos of current works or current artistic work, especially of large-scale murals/murals (max. ten in jpg format)

Who decides on the award?

The decision to award the scholarship is made by an independent jury of experts selected by the City of Innsbruck's Department of Culture.

The drei members of the jury change every two years. Where possible, the jury is made up of artists as well as representatives from the fields of art criticism, municipal administration and architecture. The decision on the awarding of the scholarship is made in a closed jury meeting.

How does the jury process work?

The jury procedure is a two-stage process. In the first stage, the jury selects five artists from all complete and valid applications. These artists must then prepare a sketch for the selected wall and submit it within four weeks by a deadline set by the jury. In the second stage, the jury will select the winning project from the sketches submitted. The unrealized sketches will be remunerated with 200 euros. Any additional financial outlay will not be compensated.

All applicants will be informed after the non-public jury meeting.

Previous scholarship holders

Ein Mural mit einem Jungen mit kurzer blauen Hose und blau-weiß gestreiften T-Shirt vor einem grünen Hintergrund aus Gras und Bäumen. Der Junge hat den Kopf und den Oberkörper in eine Luftpolsterfolie gewickelt.

The street artist Gabriel Pitcher realized his work "Bubble Cape Hero" at Schlachthofgasse 1 in Innsbruck.© Gabriel Pitcher

Ein Mural mit einem Jungen mit kurzer blauen Hose und blau-weiß gestreiften T-Shirt vor einem grünen Hintergrund aus Gras und Bäumen. Der Junge hat den Kopf und den Oberkörper in eine Luftpolsterfolie gewickelt.

The street artist Gabriel Pitcher realized his work "Bubble Cape Hero" at Schlachthofgasse 1 in Innsbruck.© Gabriel Pitcher

YearScholarship holders
2024Gabriel Pitcher
2022Video.Sckre (Julia Heinisch & Frederic Sontag)