There are over 70 playgrounds in Innsbruck. Find the right playground for your child near you here.
Around Innsbruck you will find an extensive network of hiking trails.
there are 35 public barbecue areas in Innsbruck. Find the right barbecue area here and reserve it online.
Urban pastures
Stop off at one of the six alpine huts in the city of Innsbruck.
Lake Achensee
Lake Achensee is the property of the City of Innsbruck. You need a permit from the lake administration for all recreational uses except swimming.
Subsidies Forestry & Agriculture
Find here information about grants for protection and management forests, vole control and livestock premium
How does climate change affect Innsbruck, how is the provincial capital responding to the challenges and what can each individual contribute?
Small and allotment gardens
Here you will find information on the small and allotment garden sites of the Innsbrucker Immobiliengesellschaft (IIG)