Since October 2022, Innsbruck has been part of a global partnership to protect the climate. As of December 2023, the European Climate Alliance network includes around 2,000 municipalities in 27 countries, including 85 municipalities in Tyrol.
Local answers to the global climate crisis
is the credo of the Climate Alliance, whose network includes businesses and educational institutions as well as local authorities and is growing rapidly.
Global partnership & reduction of GHG emissions
By joining the Climate Alliance network, Innsbruck is sending a strong signal for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, which is constantly affected by deforestation due to industrial land use. Part of the membership fee of the Climate Alliance communities goes to partner organizations in Brazil that are committed to preserving the rainforest. In this way, an area in the Amazon that is one and a half times the size of Austria has already been placed under protection.
In addition to the global partnership, Climate Alliance Tirol implements numerous projects in municipalities, such as the Tirol Cycles campaign and Green Events Tirol.
Here you can find the official website of the Climate Alliance Tyrol:
In the course of joining the network, the provincial capital of Innsbruck has set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by implementing climate protection measures in the areas of mobility, energy, soil, procurement and nutrition as well as climate change adaptation. The communication of current developments in the field of climate protection and sustainability is just as much a part of the tasks as the establishment of climate officers in the municipal administration, who can undergo appropriate further training and are also available to citizens on the subject.
Together with the Climate Alliance Tyrol, a work package is defined each year with the aim of implementing climate-relevant activities within the provincial capital's sphere of influence. In 2023, this included a climate check of the town hall and the municipal library .
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Urban climate and environment
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