What is on offer in the SeniorInnenstuben?
Innsbruck's 30 SeniorInnenstuben are popular meeting places and contact points for the older residents of our city. The aim is to create a sense of community and to organize sociable leisure activities in the various parts of the city. Whether craft afternoons, readings, lectures, excursions or music evenings - the activities at the meetings are wide-ranging and usually free of charge for the participants.
Who runs the senior citizens' rooms?
The Stuben are largely the result of the initiative of committed Innsbruck residents who work on a voluntary basis. The city of Innsbruck subsidizes these valuable offers and promotes networking.
How do I find a SeniorInnenstube and when do meetings take place?
The Service Unit Women and generations will be happy to provide you with further information on where you can find senior citizens' rooms in your area and when meetings take place there:
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Opening hours
Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00