Energy Plus

The city of Innsbruck promotes the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings.

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Suspension of the municipal impulse funding "Innsbruck fördert: EnergyPlus" from February 28, 2025

Due to the high number of submissions, especially at the turn of the year 2024/25, the municipal impulse funding "Innsbruck promotes: EnergiePlus" must be suspended as of February 28, 2025. This is in connection with the successful completion of the nationwide funding programs "Renovation Bonus" and "Out of Oil and Gas" 2023/24, which have triggered very strong demand.

Whether and in what form the funding will be continued in the coming year depends on the decisions of the next federal government.

Irrespective of this, there are still numerous funding opportunities available at federal and state level. Information can be found on the respective official platforms.

What is subsidized?

The City of Innsbruck promotes measures in residential buildings to increase thermal and sound insulation as well as environmentally friendly measures to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions. The possibilities are many and varied. A closer look at the measures we support as part of "Innsbruck fördert: EnergiePlus" program pays off.

The promotion of photovoltaic systems , which is limited until 31.12.2023, has been permanently included in the catalog of measures. Of the total output of the photovoltaic system, a maximum of 10 kWp is subsidized with 250.00 euros per kWp (max. 2,500.00 euros per metering point number).

If climate-friendly insulation materials with eco-labels are used, at least 50 percent of the required insulation thickness must be installed. The following test marks are recognized: Austrian Ecolabel, natureplus, IBO test mark. Proof is provided via test certificates or listings of the awarded products on the websites of the relevant testing bodies.

In addition, from January 1, 2024, the previously mandatory energy consultation is no longer necessary.

Funding consists exclusively of one-off grants and is granted in addition to federal and state funding. However, the total of all subsidies (federal, state and city) may not exceed the total costs of the investment. Should the subsidies nevertheless exceed the investment costs, the amount of the municipal subsidy will be reduced proportionately.

Specifically, funding is available:

  • Individual measures to improve thermal insulation, such as insulation measures for the exterior walls, the top floor ceiling or the sloping roof, the basement ceiling and the replacement of windows and front doors
  • Increased funding for refurbishment measures when using eco-labeled insulation materials
  • Installation of soundproof windows (existing properties only)
  • Installation of sound-insulating ventilators (existing properties only)
  • Passive measures to prevent overheating in summer
  • Comfort ventilation systems and individual ventilators, each with heat recovery
  • Detailed energy consultations (only in connection with eligible renovation measures)
  • Solar thermal systems (new build and existing properties) (see solar guidelines)
  • Installation of electrically operated heat pumps (only existing properties)
  • District heating connection (only existing properties)
  • Photovoltaic systems (see solar guidelines)
  • Efficient water heating (existing properties only)

How much funding is available?

How much funding you receive depends on the measures. You can find more information in the funding guidelines and implementation regulations.

What requirements must I fulfill?

  • In principle, you must receive the residential building renovation grant as part of the Tyrolean housing subsidy.
  • The technical requirements (see building-related requirements) must be met.
  • The property to be subsidized must be occupied as a main residence.
  • All necessary official permits must be available. Please note that, for example, there are design requirements for renovation measures (e.g. window replacement, facade painting, roofing) in a protection zone in accordance with the SOG. You will need a permit for this in accordance with the SOG. You can also apply for funding in accordance with the SOG for the additional costs incurred as a result.
  • You can find the technical requirements of the building services systems in the GET product database. Only systems that are listed there are eligible for funding.
  • The invoice documents must not be older than 18 months at the time of application.

Application: Where & when do I apply for funding?

Funding in four steps

  1. Initial consultation in the Service Unit Housing subsidy.
  2. Creation of a renovation concept
  3. Implementation of the refurbishment measures
  4. Submission of the funding application (see Required documents)

You must submit the application no later than 18 months after the invoice date of the refurbishment measures in the loading Service Unit Housing subsidy using the form.

What documents do I need for the application?

  • Application "Innsbruck promotes: EnergyPlus"
  • Invoices and proof of payment (original or copy)
  • Building services acceptance certificate for changes to the building services
  • Form F14 for more than drei apartments affected by the refurbishment
  • All permits required for the implementation of the measures
  • Payment letter from the federal subsidy


Opening hours

Monday through Friday:
8.00-11.30 and by appointment

Monday to Friday:
