In Innsbruck, great importance is attached to waste separation. Residual and organic waste is handled by the City of Innsbruck. Light and metal packaging, glass and paper waste are collected by Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG(IKB). On this page you will find everything you need to know about supply and disposal in Innsbruck:
What will change in waste collection from January 1, 2025?
From January 1, 2025, a one-way deposit system will be introduced in Austria for beverage bottles and cans. The collection of lightweight and metal packaging will also change. Plastic and metal packaging can be disposed of together in the Yellow Bag or Yellow Bin.
Further information on the changeover can be found on the IKB website.
Where can I dispose of my waste?
- Residual and organic waste is collected from your home by IKB on behalf of the City of Innsbruck. You will need garbage cans or, for small quantities of residual waste, bin bags. You can also compost the organic waste yourself. You can find out when the waste is collected from your street in the IKB waste calendar.
- Light packaging and paper waste is also collected from your home. You will also need the garbage cans or bags provided for this purpose. You can find out when these recyclables are collected from your street in IKB's waste calendar.
- Metal packaging as well as colored and white glass can be disposed of at the 130 or so collection points in the city.
- Clean and flawless old clothes can be handed in at the WAMS old clothes containers. You can find the locations on the IKB map. Fabric remnants and small quantities of broken clothing can be disposed of in the residual waste. For the disposal of larger quantities, please contact the Roßau recycling center.
- Click here for the location map of the recycling collection points in Innsbruck
- You can dispose of household cleaners, solvents, medicines or consumer batteries at the mobile hazardous waste collection point.
- The following disposal options are available for green and shrub cuttings:
- the green waste composting plant of the city of Innsbruck in Roßau
- the green waste collection point in Kranebitter Allee
- the Roßau recycling center for small quantities
- for a fee, an appointment can also be made with IKB, in which case the shrub cuttings will be collected on site.
- All normal household waste in normal household quantities is accepted at the Roßau recycling center. Detailed information can be found at Recyclinghof Roßau or in the IKB recycling brochure.
Why should I separate waste?
Separating waste protects the environment and saves money. While disposing of residual waste incurs costs, disposing of recyclables is free. If more garbage is recycled, garbage fees can be saved. That means lower costs for everyone.
How do I separate waste properly?
Have you always wondered what to do with styrofoam, rechargeable batteries, Tetra Paks, Magazines and the like? Then you'll find the answers in the Waste ABC or on IKB's YouTube channel.
In the series "Waste separation: Where do you actually put ...? ?", IKB explains which garbage can certain types of waste belong in.
View on YouTubeHow can I avoid waste?
IKB's environmental and waste consulting service offers information material on waste avoidance and separation, but also waste room planning, education in educational institutions, advice on waste disposal in companies or consulting for event organizers. IKB is also happy to answer individual questions about waste and separation.
At you can find environmentally friendly and resource-saving alternatives to buying and reusing used items. In addition to second-hand stores, rental and repair points in your area, ideas for upcycling and further info on the topic are also available.
More upcycling ideas:
IKB's environmental and waste consulting service is happy to answer questions about waste in Innsbruck.
How much is my waste fee?
The basic fee for waste in Innsbruck is calculated based on the number of rooms in a building (see waste fee regulations).
The waste fee is made up of the basic fee (depending on the number of rooms in a property) and the additional fee (depending on the number of people living in a property - minimum volume per person per week = 15 liters for residual and organic waste).
Fee rates 2025
Basic fee: 0.3208 euros
Additional fee: 0.0480 Euro
Garbage bag: 4,40 Euro
If you compost on your own land, the 15 liters can be reduced to eight liters per person upon request: Application for a reduction in the waste fee
You can find out more at Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee
Do I have to report my waste requirements?
If your demand increases or decreases because you are building an extension, a conversion or a new building, or because there are more or fewer people living in the building, you must report this in writing to Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee.. or the IKB. This is a reporting requirement!
Do not forget to inform the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee.. if the responsibilities in your building change, e.g. if the property management changes.
How do I get a residual or organic waste garbage can or residual waste bags?
You must notify Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee.. report your need. This way you will also receive containers for your waste. If your current container is not sufficient, you can also order a residual waste or organic waste container using this form.
Where can I get residual waste bags?
You can get residual waste bags in the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee.. of the city of Innsbruck, at the waste collection of IKB in Richard-Berger-Strasse 2 or at the IKB Customer Center in Salurnerstrasse 11.
By the way: At the recycling center you can also get a free organic waste bucket with a capacity of ten liters. However, this does not replace the organic waste garbage can for waste collection.
Where can I get yellow bags?
Yellow bags are sent out once a year. If these are not sufficient, you can pick up more at the IKB Customer Center, at the recycling center and at the IKB waste collection at Richard-Berger-Strasse 2.
If you have any questions about plastic, paper, glass or metal waste, please contact IKB.
Where can I get oil containers?
You can collect used oil in oil containers, which you can get and hand in at the recycling center or at the problem material collection.
I want to compost my organic waste myself, what do I have to do?
You can also compost your organic waste yourself on your own property. You must do this to theService Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee.. of the city of Innsbruck in order to receive a reduction of the waste fee. To do so, please contact the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee
Promotion & advice for the purchase of a composter
Property owners who set up and operate their own composting in the garden can apply for a one-time reimbursement of the purchase amount of half the acquisition costs up to a maximum of 36.34 euros per property when purchasing a composter or composting aid (e.g. cover fleece, sieve, spade, shredder).
The start and end of the self-composting activity must be reported in writing to the citymagistrat Innsbruck. With the notification, the self-composter undertakes to compost all biologically recyclable municipal waste, with the exception of tree and shrub cuttings, on his own property throughout the year. This is considered a condition of receiving the rebate.
- For questions about the composting rebate, please contact the Service Unit Urban climate and environment
- For questions about free advice on proper composting, please contact the Service Unit Crop and plant engineering
What to do with garden waste and green waste?
Garden waste from private gardens of Innsbruck residents is accepted free of charge at the städtischen Kompostieranlage up to an annual quantity of 1,000 kg per property. "Pure" branches (leaf-free, root- and soil-free, branch diameter at least 2 cm) can be handed in free of charge for an unlimited period.
In addition to the municipal composting plant in Roßau, there is also a Grünschnittsammelstelle Kranebitter Allee. You can hand in small quantities of green waste (delivered in containers that can be carried by one person) at the collection point there. The collection point is closed during the winter months.
You can also hand in garden waste at the recycling center.
My garden waste bag - IKB's green waste service
With the IKB garden waste bag, you can dispose of your garden waste in a convenient and environmentally friendly way. Simply order a collection and IKB will take care of the rest - every week on Tuesdays!
- Pick up the bag: Available at the Roßau recycling center (Roßaugasse 4a, 6020 Innsbruck) and at the IKB customer center (Salurner Straße 11, 6020 Innsbruck).
- Select location: Place the Gartlersack close to the roadside. The access road should be at least four meters wide and four meters high so that the truck can drive up without any problems.
- Fill the bag: Suitable for tree and shrub cuttings, lawn cuttings, weeds, leaves, straw, hay, houseplants, balcony flowers and other plants. (Please NO kitchen waste, fallen fruit, dust, sand, gravel, stones or flower arrangements with metal/plastic, cemetery waste, soil >1 kg or rootstocks)
Not sure what to do? Get advice at: - Order collection: Complete the order form by Monday at 1 p.m. at the latest and secure collection for Tuesday.
Further information at
Can I buy compost from the city?
You can buy class A+ quality compost and a special compost/humus mixture from the städtischen Kompostieranlage. Please take containers with you.
Who takes care of light and metal packaging, glass and paper waste?
Light and metal packaging and glass or paper waste are the responsibility of IKB. The collected recyclable materials are passed on to recyclers in order to obtain recycling material. If you have any questions, please contact IKB directly.
Who do I contact if I have questions about waste disposal?
- If you have any questions about applying for organic and residual waste disposal, please contact the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee or IKB.
- If the person responsible for the waste or the scope of waste disposal changes, please contact Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee or IKB.
- Do you have any questions about paying for organic and residual waste disposal, direct debit notices or tax notices? Then contact the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Waste fee
- If you have any questions about late payment notices or late payment fines for organic and residual waste disposal, please contact the Service Unit City treasury
- If you want to change a direct debit order or if your account number has changed, please contact Service Unit City treasury
- IKB is responsible for questions regarding
- Clearing out & container service:
- Landfills
- Waste advice
Where do I report illegal waste dumping?
Please report illegal waste dumping via the citizen reporting portal.