Residential and nursing homes

Financing care home costs & information on staying in a care home

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How do I get a place in a residential & nursing home?

There are several homes in Innsbruck that have a tariff agreement with the state of Tyrol. In these homes, it is possible to receive support with the financing of home costs.

These include the homes run by Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste (ISD):

To apply for a place in a residential home, register yourself or your relative(s) directly with ISD-Sozialservice.

Here you will also find a step-by-step guide to your ISD residential home place.

Other homes are

To apply for a place in a home, please register yourself or your relative(s) directly with the respective home administration.

Private homes

There are also private homes that do not have any tariff agreements with the Province of Tyrol and therefore have to be financed entirely by themselves.

These include

What does the stay at the home cost?

You can find out about the costs directly from the homes. If you are unable to pay for your stay in the home yourself, or if you are unable to pay for it in full, you can apply for "assistance with care". The application can be submitted via the respective home administration.

Who is responsible?

Service Unit Inpatient care and social your contact if you are a citizen of the city of Innsbruck and are admitted to a residential or nursing home. For persons with care allowance up to level 2, the responsibility lies with the City of Innsbruck, and for care allowance level 3 and higher, with the Province of Tyrol.

Where can I find more information about care in Tyrol?

You can find further information at

If you have any further questions on this topic, the Service Unit Inpatient care and social subsidies staff will be happy to help you.