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Zeit - Raum - Innsbruck: Band 1

10,80 €
Cemeteries in old Innsbruck. The excavations at Adolf-Pichler-Platz. The history of the old Innsbruck City Hospital. The Innsbruck City Hospital - An Attempt at Reconstruction. School theater in Innsbruck - In memoriam Dr. Notburga Wolf. The project "Innsbruck in the Bomb War" - An electronic publication on the city history of Innsbruck. The reconstruction of the city archive. Series: Innsbruck restaurants - they once stood... The Buchhof am Bergisel, Wisiol'sches Kaffeehaus - Deutsches Kaffeehaus - Kraft's Veranda. Miscellany: City History(s) - Notes on a New South Tyrolean City Book
AuthorsAlexander Zanesco, Christian Kofler, Ellen Hastaba, Peter Helfer, Lukas Morscher, Josefine Justic, Hannes Obermair 
SeriesZeit - Raum - Innsbruck
Pages Count94 
Release Date2001