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Zeit - Raum - Innsbruck: Band 4

14,50 €
On the Building History of the Church of St. John in Arzl (Innsbruck); The "Tiroler Frauen-Zeitung". Studies on the Tyrolean image of women at the beginning of the 20th century; A submarine named Innsbruck. Notes on the History of U-202; The International Car and Motordrennen at Innsbruck Airport (1958-1977); Report on a narrative text database from Innsbruck. Series: Innsbruck inns - they once stood ... Hotel Munich - Café Munich - Odeon-Casino; Husslhof - Bad Fernegg; Miscellanies: Max Weiler - design of a fresco for the municipal council meeting hall in Innsbruck - Weiler's first public commission in 1944; How I experienced the end of the war in 1945 in Tyrol; Review: 175 years of Redemptorists in Tyrol.
AuthorsDietrich Feil, Tanja Fritz, Nadja Oss, Lukas Morscher, Tanja Chraust, Wolfgang Morscher, Josefine Justic, Theodor Grossmann, Walpurg Tafel, Heinz Wieser 
SeriesZeit - Raum - Innsbruck
Pages Count158 
Release Date2004