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Time - Space - Innsbruck: Volume 5

18,00 €
How the steam streetcar puffs through the Triumphpforte ... Walter Kreutz and his photo collection; Moment shots. Selected photography history(s) in portraits; round view; technology view / deep view; intimate view; family view / moment; citizen view / detailed view; guest view / tower view / care view; side view; insight; cultural view; outlook; chronicle of Innsbruck 1860-1930.
AuthorsMonika Resler, Gertraud Zeindl, Barbara Kobler, Ingrid Zeindl, Lukas Morscher, Renate Mairoser, Josefine Justic, Natalie Pedevilla 
SeriesZeit - Raum - Innsbruck
Pages Count234 
Release Date2004