100 Jahre Marktamt Innsbruck
Time - Space - Innsbruck: Volume 8
13,00 €
100 Years of the Innsbruck Market Office (1906-2006). Food supervision, market system, citizen service. Lebensmittelaufsicht im Wandel der Zeit; Marktamt und Gesundheitsamt (Faksimileabdruck aus dem Gedenkbuch der Magistratsabteilung V); Innsbrucker Märkte. A brief outline of the history of the markets in the provincial capital. With appendix "Innsbrucker Marktordnung von 1791"; Innsbrucks Thomasmarkt (Reprintdruck of an article from the official gazette of the provincial capital Innsbruck 1968); Großmarkthalle - neue Markthalle - Markthalle Innsbruck. A historical overview. Picture documentation: Innsbruck's markets and its market office. 1906-2006. |
Authors | Klaus Seirer, Hans Biendl, Josefine Justic, Hartmann Egger, Gertraud Zeindl |
Series | Zeit - Raum - Innsbruck |
Volume | 8 |
Pages Count | 118 |
Release Date | 2006 |
ISBN | 3-7030-0422-3 |
Publisher | UVW |