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"… aber mir steckt der Schreck noch in allen Knochen."

Innsbruck between dictatorship, war and liberation

29,90 €
The Stadtarchiv/Stadtmuseum Innsbruck has taken the commemorative year 2020 (75 years since the end of World War II) as an opportunity to illuminate selected aspects of Innsbruck's contemporary history and bring them closer to a broader, historically interested audience. Thematically, the eleven contributions of the present volume span the range from political and administrative history to the history of urban development, medicine, everyday life and criminal history. For almost all of the contributions, new holdings, such as the school archives that have only recently entered the city archives, or sources that have received little attention so far, such as the medical files and police reports from the post-war years, were evaluated. Thus, the volume as a whole not only provides new insights into Innsbruck's city and contemporary history, it also provides new impulses and impetus for further research.
AuthorsMatthias Egger 
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count340 
Release Date2021