Gedächtnislandschaft Tirol (Großfomat)
Signs of remembrance of resistance, persecution and liberation 1938-1945
29,90 €
This comprehensively illustrated standard work documents more than 200 commemorative signs on resistance and persecution under National Socialism and on liberation from the Nazi dictatorship in 53 Tyrolean communities. It reconstructs the fates of those people named on these memorial signs and analyzes the development of the culture of remembrance in the Second Republic using the example of Tyrol. The author explores the questions of who the dominant personalities are in the Tyrolean memorial landscape, to what extent women are represented, what formal language shapes the culture of remembrance, how commemoration in the districts can be characterized, and what temporal phases can be distinguished in the setting of signs. In addition, the changes in cultural memory in Tyrol are discussed, not least in comparison to developments throughout Austria, which for their part have been increasingly embedded in a European framework since the 1990s. Readers will learn which groups of victims determine commemoration and which still remain forgotten. |
Authors | Horst Schreiber |
Series | Neue Folge |
Volume | 68 |
Pages Count | 436 |
Release Date | 2019 |
ISBN | 978-3-7065-5490-9 |
Publisher | Studienverlag |