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Innsbruck – Tbilisi, Tbilisi –  Innsbruck – 30 Jahre Städtepartnerschaft

Time - Space - Innsbruck: Volume 12

14,00 €
Twinning Innsbruck - Tbilisi, memories of former city councilor Dr. Paul Kummer; Dr. Paul Kummer. Biographical notes; A very private partnership between Innsbruck and Tbilisi; Georgia. Historical-political overview; Innsbruck - Tbilisi | Tbilisi - Innsbruck, Chronology of a friendship
AuthorsJosefine Justic, Nathalie und Peter Nagler, Marion Kipiani und Michael Forcher. Redaktion und Konzeption von Roland Kubanda 
SeriesZeit - Raum - Innsbruck
Pages Count128 
Release Date2012