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Zeit - Raum - Innsbruck: Band 13

14,00 €
The Innsbruck City Hospital zum Heiligen Geist. A social and economic institution; The "Tyrolean Nativity Play" by Rudolf Heinrich Greinz. The remarkable success of an unusual play; "... but necessity breaks iron". The looting in Innsbruck in December 1919; A hidden place of remembrance. Sacred murals in an Innsbruck air-raid shelter; A tour of the history of the city archives; Series: "Innsbruck inns - they once stood ..." "The old and widely known Gasthaus zum Templ"
AuthorsNatalie Lorenz, Georg Ott, Sabine Pitscheider, Michaela Frick, Gertraud Zeindl, Lukas Morscher 
SeriesZeit - Raum - Innsbruck
Pages Count116 
Release Date2014 