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Aspekte bürgerlichen Lebens

the example of a family of pharmacists in Innsbruck between 1750 and 1850

10,00 €

There is a considerable lack of research on the social history of Innsbruck in the period from 1750 to 1850. This book sheds light on some of the hitherto neglected aspects from the perspective of the upper middle classes. The book focuses on the Winkler family of pharmacists, who came into possession of the Innsbruck city pharmacy through marriage in the first half of the 17th century. Belonging to the old city bourgeoisie, this family also exhibited many aspects of the up-and-coming, "modern" educated middle classes in the 18th and 19th centuries. Their professional background alone, which required scientific training, open-mindedness and activity, meant that they were better able to adapt to the circumstances of the new era. Subscription to the most important pharmaceutical journals, which reported on new methods of drug analysis and quality control as well as more efficient preparation methods, was part of the pharmacist family's self-image, as was a well-stocked scientific library, membership of cultural and social associations and the assumption of public functions.
AuthorsAndreas Winkler
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count208
Release Date2001