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Bergsteigergesellschaft "Wilde Bande" Innsbruck

5,00 €

The Wilde Bande was Innsbruck's first mountaineering society, a group of mountain-loving, respected and influential members of the Innsbruck section of the German and Austrian Alpine Club. It all began with five men who decided to found a mountaineering club on the Stempeljoch in 1878. The number of members quickly rose to the desired upper limit of twenty. Mountaineering itself, the development of the mountain world and the construction of hiking trails and summit ascents became a matter close to the heart of the Wilde Bande, whose traces are lost after the celebration of the 60th anniversary in 1937. Günter Amor vulgo "Franz" from Innsbruck has painstakingly trawled through numerous sources in public archives and collections, as well as documents from private collections, to research the history of the Wilde Bande.
AuthorsGünter Amor 
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count192
Release Date2010