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Innsbruck sehen

Cityscapes past and present

10,00 €

Showing changes - that's what this book is about. What was characteristic of Innsbruck's cityscape a hundred years ago? Fifty years ago? Five years ago? What characterizes the appearance of our city today? The juxtaposition of historical views of the city and current photos taken from the same angle makes it possible to perceive changes in the cityscape more consciously. These often take place rather inconspicuously and in small steps. Locals miss much of what those who have returned after many years immediately notice. The exhibition and catalog of this comparative documentation are the work of the Archive for Architecture at the University of Innsbruck. The pictures speak for themselves. Texts and captions explain what can be seen and the historical context in which they were taken.
AuthorsChristoph Hölz, Martina Hellrigl, Rainer Graefe 
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count204
Release Date2008