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Johann von Sieberer

5,00 €

Johann von Sieberer (1830-1914) was one of the great benefactors of the city of Innsbruck. Born in Going and orphaned at an early age, the bachelor, who acquired a fortune through his decades of work in an insurance company, decided to build an orphanage and school in Innsbruck, which was built in 1886-1889 in Saggen (today the Sieberer School) and provided space for 200 boys and girls. in 1889, he had the two towers of the Jesuit church built at his own expense. To commemorate the unification of Wilten with Innsbruck, he donated the large "Unification Fountain" in front of the railroad station in 1904. in 1909, when Emperor Franz Joseph made him a baron, the "Kaiser-Franz-Joseph-Jubiläums-Greisenasyl", built with funds from Sieberer, was opened for 200 elderly people, which was very modern for its time with its two-bed rooms. In this book, Herlinde Molling pays tribute to the great achievements of the honorary citizen of Innsbruck and provides an overview of Sieberer's donations to the provincial capital from 1885 to 1914 as well as a facsimile of the deed of foundation of the Sieberer Orphans' Foundation in 1895.
AuthorsHerlinde Molling 
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count150
Release Date2007