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Reiseziel Weiherburg

5,00 €

Weiherburg Castle is located on the sunny slope above Innsbruck and has been owned by the municipality for around a hundred years. Its history dates back to the 15th century, when the wealthy Innsbruck burgher Christian Tänzl built a representative building here. In addition to Archduke Sigmund and the sons of Archduke Ferdinand II, the later owners included several families from the nobility and upper middle classes. In the 19th century, the Weiherburg accommodated numerous guests from Austria and abroad and proved to be a pioneering site for tourism, with visitors from Great Britain and the USA initially predominating and the length of stay averaging around two months until 1880! Peter Loewit illustrates his story with many pictorial sources, including a 19th-century Weiherburg "Fremdenbuch", in which the international guests recorded adrü of their vacation home, Innsbruck and Tyrol.
AuthorsPeter Loewit 
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count128
Release Date2009