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Innsbruck and the Nordkettenbahn

8,00 €

"In no other city is it possible to reach the alpine high mountains in half an hourdringen. This connection between a large city and the high mountains, as it exists in Innsbruck, is unique in Europe." For 75 years, the Nordkettenbahn has been an indispensable part of Innsbruck's cityscape, shaping not only social, tourist and cultural life, but also - especially in recent years - the media discussions in the Tyrolean capital. This anniversary is an occasion not only to comprehensively trace the eventful history of the Nordkettenbahn, but also to take a closer look at the close relationship between the mountains and the city, between the Nordkette and Innsbruck. In addition to a historical presentation, the unique architecture of the Nordkettenbahn and the significance of the Nordkette in sporting, tourist and economic terms, as well as in artistic terms, are also discussed. Richly illustrated with historical and current photos, this book is an indispensable reader and reference work on Innsbruck and its Nordkette.
AuthorsHerausgegeben von Roland Kubanda
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count352
Release Date2003