Municipal council
The municipal council is the highest decision-making body in the city of Innsbruck. As a rule, it is directly elected by the citizens every six years.
City Senate
The City Senate takes the preparatory decisions for the municipal council.
The mayor is at the head of Innsbruck's city administration and is chairman of the municipal council and city senate.
Mayor's office
The Mayor's Office supports the Mayor in all matters.
The Magistrate is the head of the City Magistrate's Office.
Office of the Magistrate
The Magistrate's Office assists the Magistrate in all of her duties.
City Magistrate
The City Magistrate is the municipal office of the City of Innsbruck and also carries out the duties as district administrative authority.
All departments of the city magistrate
Here you will find a list of all offices and departments of the Innsbruck City Council.
Citizen participation
Participate in sustainable urban development!
Innsbruck international
Innsbruck has seven twin cities, is actively involved at the European level and awards the Emperor Maximilian Prize every two years together with the province of Tyrol.
The City of Innsbruck handles the European elections, federal presidential elections, National Council elections, state parliament elections and municipal council elections.
Referendum & Popular Consultation
Statements of support can be submitted both digitally and in person at the office.
In May 2024, an amendment to Innsbruck's municipal law came into force, which, among other things, revised the provisions on petitions.
City Court of Audit
The City Court of Audit audits the use of public funds and the management of the City of Innsbruck without being bound by instructions.
Whistle-Blowing Portal
Report grievances and legal violations in the provincial capital of Innsbruck anonymously and securely.
Here you will find the mission statement, guiding principles, values and compliance guidelines of the City of Innsbruck and links for anonymous information.
The municipal council awards honors to persons who have rendered outstanding services to the city.