Office of the Magistrate

The Magistrate's Office assists the Magistrate in all of her duties.

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Who heads the office of the municipal director?

Dr. AndreaSchwaighofer, BSc LL.M

What tasks does the office of the Magistratsdirektorin perform?

The Magistratsdirektion is responsible for key tasks such as the magistratsinternal supervision, management, coordination, support, organizational development and the handling of central legal matters. Among other things, recurring task and structural analyses are carried out according to technical, legal and economic aspects and proposals for reform processes are drawn up. The offices for the Association of Cities and Towns, Equal Treatment and the contact point for the protection of home victims are also located in the Magistratsdirektion.

What is the office of the Magistratsdirektorin responsible for?

  • Central coordination and support for the mayor and the Magistratsdirektorin
  • Central intake point: Kontakt
  • Processing reports from the Court of Audit and City Office City Court of Audit and coordinating the implementation of the relevant recommendations and resolutions
  • Matters relating to the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns and the Tyrolean Association of Municipalities
  • Perception, examination and coordination of EU funding programs and guidelines for the city administration
  • Organizational development and administrative innovation
  • Disciplinary matters
  • Job description committee

Which offices report directly to the office of the municipal director?

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00


Opening hours

Monday - Friday: