In accordance with Section 74 of the Innsbruck City Charter (IStR), the Mayor is required to set up a department of the Citymagistrate as the City Court of Audit. It is responsible for auditing the management of the City of Innsbruck and its commercial enterprises and (under certain legal conditions) the municipal holdings, foundations and funds. The City Court of Audit also audits the use of subsidies granted by the City of Innsbruck.
The City Court of Audit was founded in 1931 and occupies a special position within the Magistrate as the only department not subject to directives. The team of the City Court of Audit is obliged to fulfill its tasks objectively and in the interests of the citizens. Since July 1, 2011, the City Court of Audit has been headed by Dr. Hans Fankhauser.
What is the task of the City Court of Audit?
The task of the City Court of Audit is to audit the use of public funds with regard to compliance with the applicable regulations, economy, efficiency and expediency as well as numerical accuracy and regularity.
What does the City Court of Audit audit?
- Management of the City of Innsbruck and its commercial enterprises
- Management of foundations, funds and institutions that are administered by bodies of the City alone or jointly with bodies of other regional authorities and/or municipal associations or by persons (groups of persons) appointed for this purpose by bodies of the City alone or jointly with bodies of other regional authorities and/or municipal associations
- Management of companies that are wholly or partly owned by the City of Innsbruck(see participations)
- Management of natural persons or legal entities (groups of persons) that manage the assets of the City of Innsbruck in trust or for which the City of Innsbruck has assumed a deficiency guarantee
- Use of municipal subsidies granted to a legal entity (company, association, etc.) or other institution
What does the report of the City Court of Audit say?
The City Court of Audit summarizes the results of each audit in a report. In the report, the City Court of Audit makes proposals for
- the reduction or avoidance of the use of funds
- the increase or generation of funds
- the elimination of deficiencies
- a more appropriate organization of administrative processes
What happens to the reports of the City Court of Audit?
The report is sent to the audit committee, the mayor, the responsible member of the city senate, the Magicouncil director and the audited body (the legal entity or company). The chairpersons of the clubs and parties of the Innsbruck City Council also receive the report.
The Audit Committee is responsible, among other things, for dealing with the audit reports submitted to it by the City Court of Audit. Subsequently, this committee must report to the municipal council on the handling of the audit reports of the City Court of Audit within six months of their receipt.
Test reports
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the "Municipal Tax Collection" unit
- Audit of the draft financial statements 2023 of the City of Innsbruck
- Document inspections by the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2023 - I. quarter 2024
- Result of the audit mandate issued by the municipal council control committee in conjunction with the audit of sub-areas of the management of the professional fire department office
- Examination of sub-areas of the "American Football Center" project
- Follow Up - Review 2023 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the City Library Department (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the "Civil Engineering" department (German)
- Audit of the draft financial statements 2022 of the City of Innsbruck (audit pursuant to Section 74a (3) IStR) (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck, IV. quarter 2022 - II. quarter 2023 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2021 of Innsbruck Marketing GmbH (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck, III quarter 2022 (German)
- Follow Up - Review 2022 (German)
Audit of Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG - Inspection of individual fields of activity in the electricity sector (confidential)
Examination of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH (confidential)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2022 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the "Registry office and civil status matters" office (German)
- Result of the audit mandates issued by the Municipal Control Committee regarding staffing plans as well as special and work contracts in conjunction with the audit of sub-areas of the Office of Human Resources (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck, II. + III. quarter 2021 (German)
- Examination of parts of the "Sillside Innsbruck" project with climbing, athletics and trend sports hall as well as an office building (German)
- Follow up - Review 2021 (German)
- Examination of sub-areas of the settlement regarding the installation of seating furniture in Innstrasse and the disposable funds for the years 2018 to 2020 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck, IV quarter 2021 (German)
- Examination of the allocation of rooms to municipal council clubs and departmental StS members (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck, I quarter 2022 (German)
- Audit of the draft financial statements 2021 of the City of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2020 (German)
- Follow up - Inspection 2020 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2020 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the Building and Fire Police Office (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the Office for Social Affairs (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2021 (German)
- Examination of parts of the district centers operated by the ITS (German)
- Audit of parts of the management of the Innsbruck-Tyrol Alpine Zoo Association (German)
- Audit of the draft financial statements 2020 of the City of Innsbruck (German)
Examination of sub-areas in connection with the planned construction project of the "MCI-Neu" and the project cancellation (confidential)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2019 (German)
- Audit of the 2018 financial statements of the municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2019 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2019 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the "Urban Planning, Urban Development and Integration" department (German)
- (Follow-up) review of parts of the regional and tramway project in the Tyrolean central region (German)
- Document control of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2020 (German)
- Audit of parts of the financial management of the Health, Market and Veterinary Office (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2020 (German)
- Audit of the 2019 financial statements of the municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2018 (German)
- Insight into parts of the management of the Office for Media, Communication and Citizen Services (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2018 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2018 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2019 (German)
- Examination of parts of the "Restructuring of the Patscherkofel(-bahn)" project (German)
- Examination of parts of the legal transactions relating to the purchase and rental of space in connection with the municipal library (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2019 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2017 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2017 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2018 (German)
- Testing the "Stadtrad Innsbruck" bicycle rental system (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the Office of Agriculture and Forestry (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2018 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the Municipal Music School Department (German)
- Random inspection of parts of the 2016 financial statements and annual financial statements of Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & CoKG, Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH and Innsbrucker Immobilien Service GmbH (German)
- Examination of the new construction and operation of the excursion inn "Umbrüggler Alm" (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the City of Innsbruck (German)
- Audit of the 2017 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the new Wilten fire station including the purchase of the land required for this (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2016 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2016 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2016 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2015 of Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (German)
- Random audit of parts of the financial management of the Tierschutzverein für Tirol 1881 (German)
- Random inspection of parts of the management and annual financial statements of SOWI Garage Beteiligungs GmbH and SOWI - Investor - Bauträger GmbH (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2017 (German)
- Individual areas of expenditure in connection with Tanzsommer Innsbruck in the years 2014 to 2016 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2017 (German)
- Audit of the 2016 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2015 (German)
- Examination of the construction project "Redesign of Meraner Strasse" (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2015 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2015 (German)
- Cross-sectional audit of purchasing/procurement in the area of the Municipality of Innsbruck and the municipal holdings (German)
- Results of the audit assignment "Verein Technikerhaus" (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2013/14 of Tiroler Landestheater und Orchester GmbH Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2016 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2016 (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2014 financial management and annual financial statements as well as individual projects of NEUEN HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH (German)
- Audit of the 2015 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the after-school care system (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the cemeteries unit (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2014 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2014 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2013 of Olympia Sport- und Veranstaltungszentrum Innsbruck GmbH (German)
- Follow up - Review 2014 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2015 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the Commercial and Industrial Facilities unit (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2015 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the Office for Green Spaces (German)
- Sample audit of property-related contracts of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Examination of sub-areas of the school administration department (German)
- Management and annual financial statements 2014 of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
Cross-sectional examination "Information Technology and Communication Technology" (confidential)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2013 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the "Professional Fire Department" (German)
- Examination of parts of the flood protection project at the mouth of the Inn and Sill rivers (German)
- Follow up - Review 2013 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2013 (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2012 financial statements of the "Alpenzoo Innsbruck-Tirol" association (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2014 (German)
- Examination of parts of the regional and tramway project in the Tyrolean central region (German)
- Document controls of the city of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2014 (German)
- Insight into the management of the Office for Child and Youth Welfare (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the Housing Promotion Department (German)
- Examination of the acquisition, conversion, new construction and rental of co-ownership of Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 23 (German)
- Audit of the 2013 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2012 (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the conversion and extension of the Hötting dormitory (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2011 of Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH (German)
- Follow up - Review 2012 (German)
- Examination of parts of the Innsbruck vacation train (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of Abfallbehandlung Ahrental GmbH (AAG) (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2013 (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the management of the "City Archive/City Museum" department (German)
- Examination of the construction of a student dormitory in the municip. Multi-purpose building at Franz-Baumann-Weg 10 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2013 (German)
- Audit of parts of Innsbrucker Markthallen-Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. (German)
- Random audit of the management of the Office for Sport (German)
- Audit of the 2012 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Audit of sub-areas of the City of Innsbruck's winter road clearance service (German)
- Sample audit of the special assets of the former KUF (German)
- Follow up - Review 2011 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2011 (German)
- Examination of the Wiltener Platzl redesign project (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2012 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2010 of Innsbrucker Stadtmarketing GesmbH (German)
- Audit of parts of the IT contracts of the City of Innsbruck (service and maintenance contracts) (German)
- Random audit of the mobile monitoring group (MÜG) of the municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2012 (German)
- Random inspection of the property management of the municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Random audit of the Innsbruck School Sponsoring Association (German)
- Audit of the 2011 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
Inspection of the fraud case at Innsbruck Airport (confidential)
Sample audit of the management and annual financial statements 2011 of DAKA Winkler Kanalservice GmbH (confidential)
- Audit of parts of the financial management and the 2009 annual financial statements of Tiroler Flughafenbetriebsges.m.b.H. (German)
- Audit of the 2009 financial statements of Mussmann GmbH (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2010 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2010 (German)
- Review of the subsidy pot for child and youth care (German)
- Audit of transfer payments to companies with municipal shareholdings (German)
- Examination of the construction project "Haus der Kinder und Jugendtreff am Tivoli" (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2011 (German)
- Insight into the management of finds (German)
- Audit of parts of Reitsportzentrum Igls GmbH (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2011 (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the partial extension of the south wing of the new town hall (German)
- Audit of the 2010 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2011 (German)
- Audit of real estate transactions of the City of Innsbruck with Ms. Mathilde Wittauer, born on 15.11.1956 (German)
Audit of parts of Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG (confidential)
- Sample audit of the 2008 management and annual financial statements of ISPA GmbH (German)
- Audit of the voucher controls of the Municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2009 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2009 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management of the recreation homes of the City of Innsbruck "Haus Innsbruck - Forellenhof" (German)
- Audit of transfer payments to (and from) companies with municipal shareholdings (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2010 (German)
- Insight into the management of residential rents at Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & Co KG (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the new Kaysergarten after-school care center (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2008 of Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste GmbH (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2009 financial statements of the "Alpenzoo Innsbruck-Tirol" association (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2010 (German)
- Audit of the "Pembaur Bridge renovation" construction project (German)
- Audit of the 2009 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2010 (German)
Municipal Council on 25.02.2010 in accordance with § 74c IStR submitted review request concerning "Bruneckerstrasse 1 and 3" and "Bürgergarten" (confidential)
Subdivisions of Naturstrom Mühlau GmbH (confidential)
- Audit of the document controls of the Municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2008 (German)
- Examination of the Dörrstraße expansion project (Schusterbergweg - Haller Straße) (German)
- Audit of the voucher controls of the Municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2008 (German)
- Follow up - Review 2008 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management of the association "Innsbruck-Tirol 08" (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2007 financial statements of Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & CoKEG, Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH and Innsbrucker Immobilien Service GmbH (German)
- Review of the property tax assessment (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2009 (German)
- Financing gap in the handling of the fan areas at EURO 08 (German)
- Audit of the subsidy pot for teaching and education (German)
- Review of the management of paid (short-term) parking zones (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2009 (German)
- Sample audit of the management and annual financial statements 2008 of Recycling Innsbruck GmbH (German)
- Retaining walls in the urban area of Innsruck from 2006 to 2008 (cross comparison) (German)
- Audit of the 2008 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2009 (German)
- Audit of parts of Innsbrucker Stadtbau GmbH (German)
- Follow up - Review 2007 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2007 (German)
- Audit of the management of municipal mountain pastures, hunting grounds and other huts (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and the 2006 financial statements of ISD-Gastronomie Dienstleistungs GmbH (German)
- Audit of the casino advertising fund including the financial settlement in connection with the parking lot management of casino visitors (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2007 financial statements of the Media Services Department (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2008 (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the Integrated Regional Control Center (ILL) (German)
- Audit of the culture subsidy pot (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2007 financial statements of the "Innsbrucker Weihnacht" association (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2008 (German)
- Examination of the construction project for the new Siebererschule gymnasium (German)
- Audit of parts of Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Stubaitalbahn GmbH (German)
- Audit of the 2007 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
Audit of parts of the cost accounting of Inn-Bus GmbH (confidential)
- Audit of parts of Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH (German)
- Audit of parts of "ILUG" Innsbrucker Luftfracht-Umschlaggesellschaft m.b.H. (German)
- Examination of the Grabenweg/Griesauweg traffic circle construction project (German)
- Follow up - Review 2006 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2006 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and the 2005 financial statements of Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2007 (German)
- Audit of the expenses of the City of Innsbruck for the Mayor's Staff Office in the years 1999 to 2007 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2007 (German)
- Audit of the social and health subsidy pot (German)
- Examination "Tram stops, conversion or new construction as part of the streetcar concept" (German)
- Audit of the 2006 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Examination of the imposition and collection of amusement tax (German)
- Audit of transfer payments of the municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2007 (German)
- Inspection of the façade renovation at Kajetan-Sweth-Straße 40-52 (German)
- Audit of parts of the management and annual financial statements 2004 of Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste GmbH (German)
- Follow up - Review 2015 (German)
- Review of the management of paid (short-term) parking zones (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2005 (German)
- Random audit of the special assets of KUF (German)
- Review of the "Sport" subsidy pot (German)
- Examination of the Kirchgasse partial extension construction project (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2006 (German)
- Examination of the cemetery fees (German)
- Review of the development of Olympia World's operating output (German)
- Audit of the construction project for the general renovation of Innrain 24 - ISD headquarters (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2006 (German)
- Audit of the allocation of services between the Municipality of Innsbruck and companies in which the Municipality of Innsbruck holds an interest (German)
- Audit of the 2005 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Examination of the wood chip heating/central courtyard construction project (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2006 (German)
- Audit of parts of the 2003 financial statements of Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH & Co KEG, Innsbrucker Immobilien GmbH, Innsbrucker Immobilien Service GmbH" (German)
- Follow up - Review 2004 (German)
- Examination of the "Sieglanger/Klosteranger pedestrian and cycle path underpass" (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck IV. Quarter 2004 (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck I. Quarter 2005 (German)
- Audit of parts of the municipal childcare facilities (kindergartens and after-school care centers) (German)
- Examination of the Valiergasse extension project (Etrichgasse - Griesauweg) (German)
- Document controls of the municipality of Innsbruck II. Quarter 2005 (German)
- Audit of the 2004 financial statements of Inn Consult GmbH (German)
- Audit of the 2004 financial statements of the Municipality of Innsbruck (German)
- Audit of the Office for Social Affairs (German)
- Document controls of the Municipality of Innsbruck III. quarter 2005 (German)
- Verification of the market fee assessment and collection
Audit of the management and annual financial statements 2004 of Ahrental Betriebsführungsgesellschaft mbH (confidential)
Audit of parts of the management and financial statements 2004 of Inn-Bus GmbH (confidential)
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Opening hours
Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00