
Here you will find the mission statement, guiding principles, values and compliance guidelines of the City of Innsbruck and links for anonymous information.

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Our mission statement

We are a modern service company that works competently, economically and sustainably.

Our guiding principle

Citizens should recognize, appreciate and accept our services. We regularly scrutinize them for need, quality, efficiency and sustainability. We ensure an orderly coexistence in the city and provide services of general interest for the citizens.

We are committed to the environmentally friendly and efficient use of energy and resources in all areas of our activities. We want to bring the greatest possible benefit to the citizens and thus contribute to the quality of life in the city of Innsbruck.

Our values

Employee orientation - Citizen orientation - Economic efficiency - Sustainability

Compliance guideline for proper service at the citymagistrat Innsbruck

The compliance guideline applies to all employees of the citymagistrate Innsbruck.

What is meant by the term "compliance" and what does the compliance guideline mean for the employees of the citymagistrat Innsbruck?

The term "compliance" comes from the English word "to comply with" and translates as "to adhere to, observe, take into account". For us employees, it goes without saying that we comply with laws and regulations, so why "compliance"? The compliance guideline creates structures that go beyond the legal obligations and enable employees to find their way within these structures. With the compliance guideline, the City ofmagistrat Innsbruck also presents itself to the outside world and ensures that employees treat the citizens of the City of Innsbruck correctly and in accordance with the basic principles of the Innsbruck City Administration.

The compliance guideline applies to all employees, from managers to summer interns. It protects the reputation of the City of Innsbruck and avoids harmful and dangerous practices. Legal issues, such as corruption or data protection violations, are clearly defined.

The compliance guideline does not create additional control by the management level, but is an aid for employees, which they can make use of in all cases of doubt. Adherence to the compliance guideline protects employees and guarantees their invulnerability.

The compliance guideline safeguards the good reputation of the City ofmagistrate Innsbruck. It is intended to ensure that individual employees can be proud to work for the Innsbruck City Administration.

The compliance guideline of the City ofmagistrate Innsbruck currently contains the following modules:

Modules of the compliance guideline of the citymagistrates Innsbruck

Linguistic equality

Where the mission statement, the compliance guidelines and the rules of procedure refer to natural persons only in a gender-specific form, they refer to all genders in the same way. When applying the terms to specific natural persons, the respective gender-specific form must be used.

Rules of procedure

Here you will find the rules of procedure for the implementation of the compliance guideline for the proper service at the Citymagistrat Innsbruck.

Compliance Officer

How to reach the Compliance Officers of the City of Innsbruck:

Anonymous reports & whistle-blowing portal

In accordance with the rules of procedure for the implementation of the compliance guideline for proper service at the Citymagistrat Innsbruck, the compliance officers of the Citymagistrat Innsbruck do not investigate anonymous reports; this is intended to strengthen the trust of employees in the compliance officers.

Nevertheless, any person is free to contact the Public Prosecutor's Office for Economic Affairs and Corruption anonymously as part of its whistleblowing system and the City of Innsbruck's whistleblowing portal. This should highlight any irregularities in the administration in connection with corruption and prevent or at least limit damage.