City Archive

The city archive is the memory of the city of Innsbruck - here you can find everything about the history of the city back to the 13th century.

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What is the task of the City Archive?

The Innsbruck City Archives document the history of the city from its beginnings to the 21st century. However, the wealth of material from photos and postcards to oil paintings and flyers to documents and files is not kept just to collect dust. On the contrary: systematically recorded, the documents can be viewed by anyone interested - whether professor of history or amateur historian. In addition to the large stock of books, hundreds of journals and newspapers are also accessible and can be consulted within a few minutes. Large parts of the holdings can be searched online .

Are you interested in contributions to the current exhibitions, the history of Innsbruck's aviation pioneers or treasures and curiosities of the city archive? Just sit back and enjoy an acoustic foray through the city's history with the City Archive's broadcasts.

What can I find in the city archive?

In the City Archives you will find files, documents or photos - in short: (almost) everything about the history of the city of Innsbruck back to its beginnings in the 13th century. The records and documents produced by the city administration are stored here, as are personal collections and bequests. You can view all of this, provided that the relevant data protection guidelines are observed. The archive's holdings focus on the following areas:

  • Photos and postcards
  • Files of the city administration
  • Plans and maps
  • Posters and art prints
  • Documents since the foundation of the town
  • Prints until 1900
  • Watercolors, oil paintings, drawings
  • Leaflets and ordinances
  • Company letterheads and advertising material

How can I do research?

You can conduct research in person in the City Archives reading room, as well as submit inquiries to the City Archives historians via email. If you come in person, depending on your area of research, it may be useful to make additional inquiries in advance via email so that the City Archives can prepare materials for you and you are able to conduct research in the most time-efficient manner possible. Books or newspaper articles can also be quickly digitized using the book scanner.

Online, the library database is available for you to search the holdings of the City Archives. Likewise, the finding aid provides access to parts of the extensive photo archive.

You need images for publications, calendars or similar?

The Innsbruck City Archive has an enormous stock of historical image material. You are welcome to search personally in the reading room via the AUGIAS system at any time. You are welcome to take the images with you on a USB stick, provided that data protection is respected. The staff of the City Archives will also be happy to send you the images by e-mail. If the images are published, there is a flat fee of 30 euros per image. If they are used for commercial purposes, the fee is 50 euros. Further tariffs can be found in the current tariff list of the City Archive.

Do you want to contribute to the memory of the city?

Have you ever wondered if that old box in the attic or basement might tell an interesting story? Find out now! If you find old diaries, documents or objects that could be of historical interest, the staff of the City Archives will be happy to examine them for you.

Are there events in the city archive?

Guided tours, book presentations and other events take place in the city archive/city museum. The city walks, which take place annually on various themes, are particularly popular. Accompany the mobile city archive on exciting, touching, thrilling and impressive journeys into the past of the state capital. Tickets can only be purchased in advance at Service Unit City Archive/City Museum All dates and topics can be found here.

Is the city archive barrier-free?

Yes, at the entrance via Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3 (at the end of the inner courtyard) there is ground-level access to the elevator, which provides barrier-free access to the City Archive and City Museum.