Heat in Innsbruck

Heat becomes a challenge: Find out here what the city of Innsbruck is doing to combat it and how you can protect yourself.

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How badly is Innsbruck affected by heat?

Heat poses major challenges for cities in particular. The reasons for this are dense building development, sealed surfaces and often low air exchange. Innsbruck already had a total of 25 hot days (days with over 30°C) in 2020. That is twice as many hot days as in Salzburg and up to 20 percent more than in Klagenfurt. The modeling also predicts an increase in hot days.

The temperature in densely populated inner-city areas can be up to 6°C higher than in the outskirts of the city. This is known as the heat island effect. In 2022, the city of Innsbruck had its own heat island effect visualized using an urban climate analysis in order to plan targeted measures to alleviate the situation.

How does heat affect the population of Innsbruck?

For the population of Innsbruck, climate change means, among other things, increasing heat stress - especially for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people in need of care, people with pre-existing conditions or people who work outdoors, as well as infants, young children and pregnant women.

The increasing heat in cities harbors health risks and drocan significantly reduce the quality of life during hot spells. The city of Innsbruck has a duty to ensure the well-being and safety of its citizens and visitors and to reduce heat stress wherever possible. To this end, the Service Unit Urban climate and environment is drawing up a heat action plan. Individual measures were already implemented in summer 2024.

What measures is Innsbruck taking to combat the heat?


The city of Innsbruck participates in the information campaigns of the province of Tyrol and the Tirol Kliniken. Awareness-raising articles are published in Innsbruck informiert, on the IVB info screens and in the social media. Together with partners ISD and IIG, information materials are distributed in residential, care and educational facilities. The information materials from the Province of Tyrol, Tirol Kliniken and the City of Innsbruck can be found here:

Heat warning system

A warning system for heat waves and a population that is well prepared for possible health problems in advance can save lives. For this reason, the province of Tyrol has included all affected facilities in Innsbruck, such as nursing homes, retirement homes and schools, in the heat warning system set up by the public health service. This system warns the facilities of heatwaves in which it will be 30°C or more for at least drei days in a row. The facilities can thus take precautions in good time to protect their residents, users and employees from the impending heat and ensure the functioning of the facilities.

Water stations in Innsbruck's businesses

Another anti-heat measure by the city of Innsbruck is the so-called water drop campaign. Since 2021, stores, restaurants and other publicly accessible establishments have been able to display a sticker with a drop of water provided by the city to signal that everyone is welcome to fill up their water bottles with tap water. Together with the IKB and the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce, the city of Innsbruck is inviting companies of all sizes and from all sectors to join the campaign and make a positive contribution to a liveable Innsbruck. There are already numerous participating companies.

Join them too!

The stickers are available for collection from Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service, IKB customer service (Salurner Straße), the Roßau recycling center and the Tyrolean Chamber of Commerce (Wilhelm-Greil-Straße).

Der blaue Aufkleber mit einem Tropfen darauf zeigt an, wo Sie Ihre Wasserflasche kostenlos auffüllen können.

The sticker shows where you can fill up your water bottle free of charge.© Stadt Innsbruck/VH

Der blaue Aufkleber mit einem Tropfen darauf zeigt an, wo Sie Ihre Wasserflasche kostenlos auffüllen können.

The sticker shows where you can fill up your water bottle free of charge.© Stadt Innsbruck/VH

Urban measures against heat stress

City Department Climate-neutral city has collected extensive data and used it to develop an urban climate analysis. This identified and located the heat islands to be expected in dense settlement areas. On this basis, measures such as greening, shading, the provision of (drinking) fountains and soil unsealing are being taken to counteract this. Projects such as cool-INN (Ing.-Etzel-Park) and COOLYMP (DDr.-Alois-Lugger-Platz) are being implemented on an ongoing basis with the implementation of the tree row concept, climate-friendly streets and square designs. When it comes to raising awareness, the city is pulling together with partners beyond the city limits with new collaborations and is constantly expanding these.

Tips against heat stress

During hot spells, it is extremely important to prevent emergencies. The following tips can help:

  • Drink regularly throughout the day (e.g. water, mineral water, diluted fruit juices).
  • Eat light summer foods (lots of fruit and vegetables, salads, etc.).
  • Cool your body with moist compresses (on your head, neck, hands or feet).
  • Apply cold water to your wrists and ankles.
  • Take a cold shower.
  • Use cooling water sprays.
  • Keep living spaces cool by ventilating them (in the early morning and at night) and using fans.
  • Darken your home with blinds, curtains or shutters.
  • Switch off heat-emitting appliances in your home. Heat is also generated in standby mode.
  • Make sure you take your medication correctly.
  • Pay attention to the specified storage temperatures for medicines. They can lose their effect due to temperature fluctuations. Ask your pharmacy for advice on this.
  • Stay in the shade .
  • Wear light clothing and sun protection.
  • Pay attention to symptoms and physical warning signs of overheating.
  • Look out for your neighbors and support them in an emergency - elderly, lonely and sick people in particular are dependent on help . Here you will find tips for first aid in the event of overheating

Symptoms and physical warning signs

Signs of health problems such as overheating, sunstroke, heat exhaustion or heat stroke can also occur a long time after being in a heated environment. Symptoms include

  • Severe headache
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of exhaustion or weakness
  • Drowsiness or blurred vision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Circulatory problems and unconsciousness
  • Concentrated urine
  • Muscle or abdominal cramps
  • High body temperature
  • Cardiac arrhythmia

First aid in an emergency

If you notice the above symptoms in another person, please administer first aid. You can take the following measures immediately:

  • Get out of the heat or sun with the person immediately. Go indoors or into the shade of trees.
  • Remove or loosen tight clothing.
  • Cool the head, neck, hands and feet with damp, lukewarm cloths.
  • Give the person fluids (tap water, mineral water or very slightly salted water). Caution: This does not apply if the person is unconscious!
  • If severe symptoms occur, call the emergency services (144).


Opening hours

Monday, Wednesday to Friday:
9.00-11.30 a.m

13.30-16.00 and by appointment