Elementary Schools

there are 21 elementary schools in the provincial capital of Innsbruck. Here you can find information about the schools and the district they belong to.

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Pupils from six to ten years of age learn in the 21 elementary schools.

Who do I contact about elementary schools?

The city of Innsbruck is the school operator for 21 elementary schools. This means that it is responsible for the spatial framework, the teaching and learning materials and the infrastructure. So if it's about the buildings or the infrastructure itself, the City Department School and education.. is responsible. For questions concerning teaching, your contact is the directorate of the respective school. You can find them in the search below.

Which elementary school does my child attend?

In Innsbruck, children are assigned to elementary schools according to their district . This means that the residencedreof the students decides which of the elementary schools the respective child goes to. In the search below you can enter your Wohnadresse. The elementary school(s) that come into question for you will then be displayed.

Enrollment in the municipal elementary schools

Enrolment in elementary school takes place from 17. until February 20, 2025. All children born between September 2, 2018 and September 1, 2019 can be enrolled at the relevant Sprengel elementary school for the 2025/26 school year.

Find your elementary school here:

All elementary school are listed on the map and in the list on the left. You can find more information on the individual elementary school under "Details".

Are there bilingual elementary schools?

Yes, there are special language programs at two elementary schools in Innsbruck: