All about dog

What dog owners need to know: Registration & deregistration, mandatory certificate of competence, insurance, dog tax, leash requirement, rules & dog ownership.

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In the brochure on how to deal with dogs, the province of Tyrol has summarized the most important information for dog owners. Below you will find further relevant information on dog ownership, especially in Innsbruck:

What do I need to do when a dog moves in with me?

  • Before an animal moves in with you, you should clarify these basic questions.
  • Certificate of competence: Before you get a dog for the first time, you must complete a theoretical training course, the so-called certificate of competence. Animal welfare qualified dog trainers or veterinarians offer these special courses through the Chamber of Commerce. You must send proof that you have completed the course to City Department General security and events when you register your dog.
  • Dog liability insurance: You have one week to provide proof of dog liability insurance. You must send this proof to the Lade Text City Department General security and events.
  • Registration for dog tax: You must register your dog for dog tax at the municipal tax office within two weeks.
  • Chip and registration obligation: You must have your dog chipped and registered by a vet within one month. If your dog is chipped, you can also register it yourself via
    • the veterinarian
    • the authorities (official veterinarian)
    • the ID Austria

Please make sure that the message has been successfully transferred to the pet database. The transfer only works with complete records.

Where and how can I register the dog tax?

You must register your dog in Innsbruck if you plan to keep it for longer than two months. Then you have two weeks to register your dog using the online form, by mail or in person at theService Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax. ). For this purpose, have the required documents and data ready.

By the way: In Innsbruck there are no more dog tax stamps.

Before registration you need a certificate of competence.

What documents and data do I need to register my dog?

You have two weeks to register your dog. For this you need:

Responsible for the registration is the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax

Where is it compulsory to wear a leash in Innsbruck?

Leash obligation for the whole of Tyrol (Provincial Police Act § 6a) incl. Innsbruck:

  • In public places within the populated area, you must keep your dog on a lead or muzzled throughout Tyrol.
  • In public places where there are usually many people, you must keep your dog on a lead and muzzled.
  • Muzzles and leads are always compulsory in
    • public transportation
    • Childcare facilities and schools
    • Playgrounds
    • Shopping centers
  • The muzzle must comply with animal welfare regulations and must not be able to be removed.

Additional leash requirement in Innsbruck acc. Ordinance on the obligation to wear a leash:

Please also note the provisions of the Tyrolean Field Protection Act.

The leash and muzzle requirement does not apply to rescue, therapy, assistance, service and hunting dogs during their use.

Responsible for the topic of leash restrictions is the City Department General security and events

Where can my dog run free in Innsbruck?

  • On the designated dog runs or dog exercise zones of the city of Innsbruck. The use of Egerdach and Pechepark is allowed on Sundays and public holidays from 9:00 to 22:00 and on weekdays from 7:00 to 22:00.
  • In the period between October and March in harvested fields outside the populated area.

You must always remove the dog excrement - even on dog runs or in the hiking area.

Responsible for the topic of leash restrictions is the City Department General security and events

What other rules apply to my dog?

  • You must keep your dog away from playground equipment, lawns, green areas, plantings, sandpits and fountains in playgrounds.
  • You must dispose of dog excrement in waste garbage cans. There are numerous dispensers with free dog waste bags/Sac-O-Mat throughout the city.
  • In dog meadows (dog exercise zones) your dog can run around without a lead and muzzle. Use is permitted on Sundays and public holidays from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm and on working days from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm. Dog excrement must also be removed here.
  • You must not endanger the health of people or animals.
  • Your dog must not cause any unreasonable nuisance.
  • Dogs are not permitted in the Roßau recreational area (quarry pond) and in the IKB swimming pools.
  • Dogs are not permitted in cemeteries - with the exception of guide dogs for the blind.
  • Your dog must be kept on a lead and wear a muzzle on public transport.

There is a muzzle and leash law in playgrounds and a muzzle or leash law in parks !

My dog has run away or died - what to do?

Here you can find more info if your pet has run away or died.

Where and how can I deregister my dog?

You can deregister your dog using the online form. Please have the necessary documents and data ready.

Which documents and data do I need to deregister my dog?

For the deregistration of your dog in Innsbruck you need the following documents:

  • Information about yourself (family name, address, etc.)
  • Your bank details (IBAN)
  • Call name of the dog
  • Date of deregistration
  • Depending on the reason for deregistration:
    • deceased / euthanized: date of death & proof
    • Transfer to new dog owner: name of new dog owner, address and phone no.
  • Change of residence: the new address

Only if you deregister your dog, you will be refunded the dog tax on a pro-rata basis.

Responsible for the deregistration is the Service Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax

What happens if my dog injures someone?

  • Take the injured person or animal to the doctor.
  • If you are injured, inform the police.
  • Have your dog tested for rabies by your veterinarian immediately after the bite and ten days later and bring the test certificate to the police.
  • Report the incident to the City Department General security and events
  • Notify your insurance company.

Any dog that has injured or endangered people or animals must go to the official veterinarian. There, it will be assessed whether the dog is conspicuous. If the dog is found to be conspicuous, it must wear a leash and/or muzzle outside of living quarters or fenced property.

Who do I contact if I have questions about dogs?

TopicContact person
Certificate of competenceCity Department General security and events
Courses for the certificate of competenceWIFI of the WK Tirol
Proof of liability insuranceCity Department General security and events
Liability insuranceYour insurance company
Registration and deregistration of the dogService Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax
Dog tax & payment of dog taxService Unit Municipal taxes - assessment - Dog tax
Leash requirement & rules for dogs and their ownersCity Department General security and events
Appropriate dog ownership, suspicion of mistreatmentService Unit Veterinary
Veterinary emergencyVeterinarians: Weekend service (Province of Tyrol)
Death of the dogService Unit Veterinary - Wasenmeisterei
Lost dog or stray dog

Service Unit Veterinary - Wasenmeisterei

or animal shelter Mentlberg

Incidents or accidents involving dogs, dog bites

Provincial police headquarters and

City Department General security and events

Chip and registration obligation

Your veterinary surgeon or

Official veterinarianService Unit Veterinary) or