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Zwangssterilisierungen und „freiwillige Entmannungen“ in Tirol und Vorarlberg 1938-1945

29,90 €

As part of the research project "Infertilization" and "voluntary emasculation", Ina Friedmann and Dirk Rupnow intensively examined the role of Innsbruck University Hospital in connection with the forced sterilizations and castrations legalized under Nazi rule between 1940 and 1945.

The extent of the forced interventions was reconstructed for the first time on the basis of extensive sources, with particular attention being paid to the role of Innsbruck University Hospital, which was involved in Nazi health policy in various areas - from reporting to the preparation of expert opinions for the Hereditary Health Courts to the surgical execution of the forced interventions.

In addition to the research results, this book also contains two contributions that examine the implementation of forced sterilizations in central Tyrolean institutions, namely the Innsbruck University Women's Clinic (Gabriele Czarnowski) and the Hall i. T. Sanatorium and Nursing Home (Oliver Seifert). Finally, Volker Strähle's contribution offers an in-depth insight into a case from his own family with an "after-story".

AuthorsIna Friedmann, Dirk Rupnow
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count547
Release Date2024
PublisherUniversitätsverlag Wagner