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from the Second World War

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In recent years, the air raid tunnels from the Second World War in and around Innsbruck have been the subject of political, historical and legal debate: The tunnels, which were in massive danger of collapsing, had to be renovated, which not only raised legal and political questions, but also brought a grim chapter of Austria's contemporary history back to the fore. In their contributions, the authors of this publication endeavor to address this controversial topic, which continues to have an impact to this day, from various perspectives: Konrad Arnold, a recognized expert and consultant in this field, deals with the question of who is responsible for the remediation from a legal point of view, historian Horst Schreiber outlines the historical background of the tunnel construction, and Theodor Greiner and Martin Scheiber explain the technical aspects of the tunnel remediation. With the aid of extensive photographic material and numerous maps and sketch plans, this lavishly designed volume vividly presents this period of contemporary history and provides the reader with interesting and varied insights into this controversial topic. From the contents: The Innsbruck air-raid tunnels as a legal problem Innsbruck in the bombing war. The historical background to the construction of the Innsbruck air-raid tunnels: Existence, decay and securing work on tunnel no. 2
AuthorsHerausgegeben von Konrad Arnold
SeriesNeue Folge
Pages Count272
Release Date2002