Municipal council and mayoral elections 2024

Here you will find information on the mayoral run-off election on April 28, 2024 and the municipal council election on April 14, 2024.

This page was translated automatically. The City of Innsbruck assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation.

Who was allowed to vote?

The Innsbruck electoral regulations stipulate who is entitled to vote in the municipal council and mayoral elections. Accordingly, every citizen of the EU was entitled to vote who

  1. has their main place of residence in the city on the cut-off date, unless they have been living in the city for less than a year and their stay is obviously only temporary,
  2. is not excluded from the right to vote on the cut-off date and
  3. has reached the age of 16 on election day at the latest.

Who was up for election?

  • WILLI Georg
  • Ing. Mag. ANZENGRUBER Johannes

Where and when could I vote?

For the election, the entire city area was divided into a total of 154 electoral distr icts. The main electoral authority was responsible for forming the electoral districts. You could vote from 7.30 am to 4.00 pm on election day.

Here you will find a map with all 43 polling stations and the corresponding wards. Search for your Adresse and display your polling station:

Results of the mayoral run-off election

Here you can find the election results of the mayoral run-off election on April 28, 2024.

Results of the municipal council and mayoral elections

Here you can find the election results of the municipal council and mayoral elections on April 14, 2024 including the results in the individual electoral districts. Under "Election result statistics" you will also find the "Election report of the municipal council and mayoral election" with results for the city districts, the distribution of seats in the municipal council, a comparison with the 2018 election and further details on the 2024 election.