Lake Achensee

Lake Achensee is the property of the City of Innsbruck. You need a permit from the lake administration for all recreational uses except swimming.

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Why does the Achensee belong to the city of Innsbruck?

In the 12th century, the Benedictine monastery of Georgenberg-Fiecht inherited the Achental together with the Achensee from the lords of Schlitters. Between the 15th and 18th centuries it was owned by the Habsburgs. In the 18th century the monastery bought the fief again. During this time, in addition to the tourist use of the lake, cargo ships were operated for salt transports from Hall in Tyrol via Lake Achensee and the Achen Pass to Munich. Due to economic problems, the monastery decided to sell Achensee in 1919.

At its meeting on April 5, 1919, the Innsbruck municipal council voted in favor of a purchase, which took place as early as April 19, 1919. in 1924, the water rights were transferred from the city of Innsbruck to Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG) - with the agreement that Achensee would be returned to the city of Innsbruck after 60 years. After many years of negotiations, the lake finally passed back into the ownership of the city in 1992, and TIWAG became the owner of the power plant.

From 1992 to 2010, Achensee continued to be managed by Achenseeschifffahrt and from 2011 to 2020 by Anton Kandler. With the city senate resolution of 4.12.2019, it was decided that the lake administration will be carried out by the city itself from 1.4.2020 with the retirement of Mr. Kandler.

Achensee in winter

Lake Achensee, the largest lake in Tyrol - here in its peaceful winter dress - has been owned by the city of Innsbruck since 1919.© Florian Jäger

What is allowed at the Achensee?

Without registration

Swimming, stand-up paddling and driving small rowing boats is allowed without registration.

With registration & costs

For the following uses you need a permission by the Service Unit Forest and alpine pastures - Lake and fishery management Achensee.. :

The Service Unit Forest and alpine pastures - Lake and fishery management Achensee.. is also responsible for approving buoys for mooring sailboats in the summer. Unfortunately, these are in great demand and usually all taken.

Who is the contact person for lake management?

If you have any questions, please contact the Service Unit Forest and alpine pastures - Lake and fishery management Achensee


Opening hours

in summer: Thursday:

Monday - Thursday:
