Official channels in case of death

Here you can find out what to do in the event of a death.

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What to do in the event of death?

  1. Report death (if the deceased person has not died in hospital)
  2. Coroner's inquest
  3. Contactthe mortician
  4. Contact the family doctor to issue the treatment certificate

Please note

  • if the cause of death is unclear, an autopsy may be required by the medical police
  • the cause of death cannot be disclosed due to medical confidentiality (except in the case of a written release from medical confidentiality during the person's lifetime)

When and to whom do I have to report the death?

As soon as someone dies outside the Innsbruck Regional Hospital, please report the death immediately:

What is a coroner's inquest?

After every death, a medical officer on duty must carry out a coroner's inquest.

Please note

  • the coroner's inquest may be held no earlier than three hours after the death has occurred
  • no changes may be made to the deceased person (including dressing or changing clothes)

The deceased person can only be transferred from the place of death by the mortician once the post-mortem has been carried out.

I would like to transfer the deceased person abroad or to another federal state. What do I need to do?

Please contact your funeral home even if cremation is planned or in the case of repatriation to another federal state or abroad.

Where can I get a death certificate?

You can obtain a death certificate from Service Unit Registry office and citizenship - Deaths

Further official channels in the event of death

Further information on official channels in the event of death can be found at