Where can I report a child at risk (anonymously)?
To report a child at risk anonymously, we have set up this online form for (anonymous) reporting of a child welfare risk. There you also have the possibility to enter your data - but you do not have to do this. However, it is very helpful for the social worker in charge if he/she can contact you in case of open questions. It is absolutely necessary to provide information about the child or the parents.
You can also report the danger by telephone, in person or in writing to City Department Child and youth welfare.. ...
A mere suspicion is sufficient to report a risk to the well-being of a child. The child and youth welfare service decides whether the child is at risk.
When do I have to report a child welfare risk?
According to § 37 BKJHG, certain professional groups are obliged to report children at risk. Among them:
- Courts, authority and organs of public supervision;
- Institutions for the care or education of children and adolescents;
- Facilities for psychosocial counseling;
- private facilities for child and youth welfare;
- Hospitals and convalescent homes;
- Home health care facilities;
- Persons who provide freelance care or instruction for children and adolescents;
- freelance persons contracted by child and youth welfare services;
What is meant by the best interests of the child?
The term "best interests of the child" is not a clearly defined concept. The social worker uses certain guidelines (§138 ABGB) to assess whether the "best interests of the child" are at risk.
The guidelines of the "best interests of the child" are fulfilled to a large extent if:
- the livelihood of the family is secured.
- Your child receives regular and sufficient food, you maintain a basic hygienic standard and provide your child with clothing appropriate to the season.
- Your living space is sufficient for the size of the family.
- You develop and live a conducive relationship among family members.
- You do not experience/experience physical and psychological violence in the family.
- your child can develop according to their psychological, emotional and social abilities.
- The necessary care (doctor, kindergarten, school, etc.) is available to your child.
- You take sufficient responsibility for your child children, protect them from danger and psychological/physical violence, teach them social values and norms and treat your child children with sufficient appreciation and consistency.
What are children allowed to do at what age?
How long may a child of a certain age be left alone at home? At what age are children allowed to ride alone on a bus or go to summer camp? Such questions cannot be answered in a general way, because it always depends on the respective child and the respective situation what a child is allowed to do or not.
The Tyrolean Youth Act provides some guidelines. The Infoeck provides a clear list of what basically applies to children and young people.
What happens after a report of endangerment?
The suspicion of a risk to the well-being of a child is sufficient for a report. You do not have to decide whether the child's well-being is really at risk. That is the task of the child and youth welfare services. If you suspect that a child is at risk, please report this (also anonymously) using the form Child Welfare Endangerment.
- The child and youth welfare services are legally obligated to clarify every report. The clarification must take place in accordance with the dual control principle and legal standards. This means that the way in which the child and youth welfare services proceed is discussed within the team. Depending on the urgency, type of possible danger, age of the child, etc., the child and youth welfare service reacts differently, for example with:
- Contact with the person making the report (if possible)
- Contact with the school
- Contact with the family
- announced or unannounced home visits, etc.
- In many cases, no child welfare endangerment is determined - then the case is closed.
- If it turns out that there is a risk or at least a need for support, the primary goal is always to offer help in agreement with the family. The child and youth welfare services are obliged to always use the least invasive means possible, i.e. to intervene in the family's life as little as possible. In most cases, this also succeeds and help is provided in cooperation with the parents or they are referred to appropriate social services, see "What supports can child and youth welfare offer?"
- If a child is at risk - but not acute - and no agreement can be reached with the parents, the child and youth welfare service turns to the district court with applications according to § 181 ABGB. In the court proceedings, it is then reviewed which measures are necessary in the future, see "What support can child and youth welfare services offer?".
- If the professionals determine an acute threat to life and limb, the child can also be taken from the family against the will of the parents. This is called "imminent danger". However, this "most severe" measure is only applied very rarely and is immediately reported by the child and youth welfare services to the guardianship court/district court. The court then examines whether the child and youth welfare service has acted in accordance with the law. However, even in cases of acute danger, it is possible to reach an agreement with the parents if they admit the problem and support the placement of the child with their signature.
Child and youth welfare always uses the least invasive means, always tries to help in agreement with the parents and only takes a child out of the family as a very last resort.
What supports can child and youth services offer?
In social work, the City Department Child and youth welfare can offer you ... can offer the following support:
- Counseling, an overview of counseling centers is provided by the social route plan.
- Protection (such as the risk assessment)
- Accompanyingadoptions
- Foster parents accompany and recruit
- Initiate supportive measures for children and adolescents and their families
In legal representation, the Service Unit Child and youth welfare - legal representation can ... can offer you the following support:
- Counseling, an overview of counseling centers is provided by the social route map
- Clarification of parentage - paternity acknowledgment
- Securing child support for your child/children
- Settlement of recourse claims/reimbursement of costs
The supporting measures for the "help of upbringing" of minors are:
- outpatient care: outpatient care supports you as a family in your familiar environment and works with you to find solutions to your individual problems. This offer can also include groups.
- supportive day structures: Supportive day structures are mainly provided by recognized institutions and are only granted in exceptional situations.
- inpatient admission to a child or youth facility: Inpatient admission to a child or youth facility can take place if you as parents are overwhelmed with the upbringing of your child/children and other supportive measures are no longer sufficient. The costs of the accommodation are taken over by the child and youth welfare, however, you as parents are requested to make an appropriate contribution in the course of your maintenance obligation.
- Admission of the child to a Foster family
The legal provisions on risk assessment, assistance planning and educational support can be found in §§37 ff Tyrolean Child and Youth Welfare Act (TKJHG 2013).
How do I find the social worker in charge?
The responsibility of the social workers in the City Department Child and youth welfare.. of the city of Innsbruck is based on Sprengel (so-called Sprengel social work). For information about which social worker is responsible for which area, please contact the City Department Child and youth welfare.
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Child and youth welfare
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday:
8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00