Confirmation of registration

You need a confirmation of registration, also known as a registration form, for various administrative procedures and applications. You can apply for one here.

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A confirmation of registration is always required for various administrative procedures and applications. In Innsbruck, you can apply for this in person, in writing or online with ID Austria.

There are two types of registration confirmation:

  • simple confirmation of registration with information on when and where you are currently registered
  • historical registration confirmation with information on all previous registrations and deregistrations

How do I get a confirmation of registration for myself?

You can request a simple confirmation of registration for notifications online. You will need

  • the ID Austria
  • an online payment option (e.g. credit card, online banking)

If you do not have an ID Austria, you can request the confirmation of registration informally in writing or in person at Service Unit Registration and residents, passport matters - Registrations, deregistrations, registration confirmations You must prove your identity with an official photo ID. You can also make an appointment online in advance.

You can only request a confirmation of registration for yourself or for your underage children.

What documents do I need to obtain a registration confirmation for myself?

What does a registration confirmation cost?

For the application

Verbally: free of charge

In writing: 14.30 euros

Electronic application with ID Austria: free of charge

For the issue of a registration confirmation

  • Federal fee: 14.30 euros
    This fee does not apply if the confirmation of registration is addressed to a specific person or authority other than the applicant.
  • Federal administrative fee:
    • Confirmation of registration from the local population register (only reflects the registration within the municipality): 2.10 euros
    • Confirmation of registration from the ZMR (at the registration office or online with citizen card): 3 euros

In addition

  • Fees for enclosures (only incurred if enclosures are attached to the application):
    • Oral or written application: 3.90 euros per sheet up to a maximum of 21.80 euros
    • Electronic application with citizen card (e.g. ID Austria): 2.30 euros per sheet

How do I get a confirmation of registration for my child?

Minor children cannot request a confirmation of registration for themselves and therefore not online. To obtain a registration confirmation for your minor child, you must submit the request in person or in writing to the registration office. You will need an original official photo ID of the child and the legal representative.


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