
Here you will find all information on submitting the gedenk_potenziale.

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What is the focus of gedenk_potenziale?

You can find the content focus and general information about the funding pot here:

Who iseligible to submit?

Natural persons and legal entities under private law may submit entries. Excluded from participation are employees of the City of Innsbruck and the Province of Tyrol, public cultural institutions, commercial cultural organizers as well as party-political and religious organizations.

What are the criteria?

  • The content of the project must be related to Innsbruck and/or its surroundings in the application.
  • Gender-sensitive approach to the project concept and the selection of people involved in the project.
  • Sustainability of the projects (it is conceivable, for example, that a project will create something permanently visible in the cityscape).
  • Submissions aimed at a temporary installation or a permanent monument in public space must explicitly state one or two alternative locations in the project description in addition to the desired location. Unless the application is accompanied by a permit for the desired location.

What is not supported?

  • Conventional and/or commercial events (e.g. loose series of concerts or readings with no context)
  • Annual programs of cultural institutions
  • Continuous structural measures (e.g. maintenance of event venues or technical equipment etc.)
  • Publications that are not part of a project (e.g. pure CD or catalog productions, websites with no connection to the content of the project, etc.)
  • Personalities and exhibitions without any connection to the subject matter of the call for proposals

How can projects be submitted?

Submissions can only be made in digital form as PDFs via the e-mail Adresse:

gedenk_potenziale 2026

The call for entries for gedenk_potenziale 2026 was published on May 5, 2024. From May 5 to September 9, 2024 (4 p.m.) projects can be submitted. The expert jury will decide in November 2024 on the award of the gedenk_potenziale prize, which is endowed with 20,000 euros. The project selected by the expert jury (or the two selected projects, if applicable) must be submitted by 5 May 2026 be realized. In principle, the jury will select one project in each call for proposals. In special cases, the jury can also split the funding amount between two projects.

Please note the guidelines for submissions and the gedenk_potenziale data sheet:

Please note that the mails and submissions received will not be read until September 10, 2024. For technical or content-related questions, please contact Service Unit City Archive/City Museum

What documents are required?

A project submission within the framework of gedenk_potenziale consists of:

  • Brief description of the project (max. 1,500 characters incl. spaces)
  • Detailed project description (max. 15,000 characters incl. spaces, line spacing 1.5) including a brief description of the reference to Innsbruck and/or its surroundings. May 5th must be included in the project in a way that is effective for the public.
  • Supplements to the project description (e.g. visualizations, sketches) are welcome (max. 10 pages).
  • Biographical information on the submitting groups or individuals and - if available - on the personal website.
  • Realistic cost and financing plan, if applicable with details of additional funding bodies.
  • Timetable for project implementation. Implementation of the project by May 5 of the year after next (if a project is selected by the jury in November 2024 , the main event of the project must take place on May 5, 2026. The main event can be the opening of an exhibition, a film premiere, the unveiling of a sculpture, a book presentation, the premiere of a play, etc.)
  • Work on the submitted project - with the exception of the preliminary work for the research as part of the application - must not have begun before the funding is approved.
  • Completed data sheet. This is available here. It must be downloaded, completed and submitted together with the other submission documents.
  • Data protection information (IMPORTANT: Please confirm in the e-mail with the submission documents that you have read and accepted the data protection information)
  • Parallel submissions of the proposed project are generally permitted, but must be disclosed.

Please note that the attachments of your submission should not be larger than 20 MB in total and that only complete submissions will be considered.
