If you want to play music on the street in Innsbruck, you must register. You may only play street music in certain places at certain times and must adhere to the rules.
A maximum of seven registrations can be made per day. Street musicians must identify themselves in the course of a check by public supervisory bodies in order to enable their registration to be verified by establishing their identity.
Where can I register?
Monday to Friday in the Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service
or online: Book your seat ticket here.
Costs: None.
When booking online, you need a valid e-mail addressdreso that the reservation confirmation can be sent. This reservation confirmation is valid as a seat ticket.
Which places are available for street music?
- Maria-Theresien-Straße: north side in front of the Annasäule
- Maria-Theresien-Straße: in front of the hospital church (not 18:00-19:00 due to the mass celebration)
- Old Town: in front of the city tower
- Old Town: crossroads Kiebachgasse/Seilergasse
- Old Town: Franziskanerplatz
- Waltherpark
- Rennweg meeting zone (Leopold fountain; not 20.00-21.00)
- Wiltener Platzl (not on Saturday from 11.00-12.00, not on Sunday)
Please note the times at which street music may be played.
Here you can find all places for street music in the city map of Innsbruck:
Please note: If there is a construction site at one of the above-mentioned locations or if a registered temporary event is taking place there, we cannot offer you a replacement.
When is music allowed?
The general permitted times for street music in designated areas are (please note exceptions):
14.00-15.00 h
16.00-17.00 h
Saturday to Sunday:
16.00-17.00 h
What are the exceptions?
- (2) Maria-Theresien-Straße: in front of the hospital church: not 18.00-19.00 due to the mass celebration
- (7) Rennweg meeting zone (Leopold fountain): not 20.00-21.00 hours
- (8) Wiltener Platzl: not on Saturday from 11.00-12.00, not on Sunday
Attention: A change of location is required after every lesson!
What must be observed?
- As some places are close to each other or other events are taking place nearby, music may only be played with these instruments:
- String instruments
- Woodwind instruments
- Keyboard instruments
- Digeridoos
- Guiros
- Maracas
- Rattles
- The following are not permitted
- Brass and percussion instruments
- Platforms and other structures
- acoustic amplifiers
- Two weekly tickets are issued per calendar week, and a maximum of five daily tickets per day.
Street music - Folder
Who are my contact persons?
For the issue of tickets, please contact the Service Unit Citizen service and lost property service
For all other questions about street music (locations, times, rules), please contact the Service Unit Events and survey service - Events