City Senate

The City Senate takes the preparatory decisions for the municipal council.

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The municipal council elects the city senate from among its members. This consists of the mayor, the two first and second deputy mayors and a maximum of six other city councillors. The number of councillors is determined by the municipal council.

The municipal council has set the size of the city senate at seven members for the current period. In addition to the mayor and the first and second deputy mayors, the city senate has four other members. The seats are allocated according to the number of seats on the municipal council, currently two GREENS, two YES, one FPÖ (non-executive), one SPÖ and one TURSKY (non-executive).

Members & political groups

Ing. Mag. Anzengruber Johannes, BSc



Willi Georg

1. Deputy Mayor


Mag.a mayr Elisabeth

2. Deputy Mayor


Bex Janine, BSc

Executive City Councillor


Mag.a Lutz Mariella

Executive City Councillor


Lassenberger Markus

City council without office


Mag. Stoll Markus

City council without office


Here you will find the organizational structure and the organizational chart of the Citymagistrat Innsbruck including all responsible departments:

What are the tasks of the City Senate?

  • The City Senate is responsible for the preliminary discussion of all matters subject to decision by the City Council, unless special committees have been appointed for this purpose or the City Council does not deal with the matters directly.
  • In certain matters, the City Senate may pass resolutions independently.
  • The meetings of the City Senate are held once a week.

The areas for which the City Senate is responsible can be found in § 28 Innsbruck City Law.

Topics of the City Senate

Here you can find the current topics and resolutions from the meetings of the Innsbruck City Senate: